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Forum:Mercury - Gemini - Apollo
Topic:EarthKAM: Recreating Gemini 8's view from ISS
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After the recovery from a dangerously stuck thruster on the Gemini 8 spacecraft in 1966 and prior to its landing, astronaut David Scott was awestruck by the view from the spacecraft's window as the vehicle soared over Asia and the Himalayas.

Years later, when the opportunity to use EarthKAM arose, Scott, who is now a visiting professor at Brown, suggested recapturing those views of Gemini's final pass over the Himalayas that he found so memorable.

Working with archived Gemini data from NASA, Ramsley selected eight target opportunities along Gemini's final orbital track and submitted them to EarthKAM. To date, two of the images have been acquired and Ramsley is working to gather the remaining images.

Teachers and students who are interested in controlling EarthKAM on the station are encouraged to visit the EarthKAM website to learn more about this program.

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